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    1. 15 Jan: Attack of giant ants and talking about LDs

      by , 01-15-2019 at 08:13 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Mom's windows of her front balcony are once again wrongly inserted and dangerously dangling. I try to fix it before any strong wind hits, but two of them drop from the 4th floor to the ground below. No one is hit but it falls on two cars, which strangely suffer no harm.

      I am sort of an exchange student abroad. Visit some cute kindergarten where a friend works, then later I attend some classes. It's around Xmas time. There is a sale of arts and crafts and I break a few pieces by accident. I try to fix it, until I give up and apparently no one around cares that much.
      People are discussing math and other subjects, I think there is exam season coming. There are some snacks at a table and I see a huge dried fig I pick to eat. But I open it and it is full of ticks inside. Gross!
      I pick up some stones to squash the bugs when I look up and see what looks like two rainbows in the sky. I forget the ticks and reach for my phone to take a photo. Then they move and I see they are actually iridescent antennas. What?
      People start running on the streets, I hear a big noise and I see an ants head through the clouds, which aren't clouds but dust from debris. The ant is crushing the buildings as it walks. I run away too and I see more ants in different directions. We run for our lives. I reach areas where people are not yet aware of what's going on. There is a concert of classical music at a park with lots of families with kids. We try to warn but they don't understand and I just use the chance to go ahead of all them before they also start running. There is a lake and a canal leading to a river. I think about getting on a boat, but the only one I can get into has no key to start the engine. Then I spot some playboy in his boat and I try to get on board with him, but he actually decides to get out of the boat and walk away, taking the key. Meanwhile the ants seem to be approaching and I decide to just keep running towards the coast, I cross a train track and a train is stopped and some people are coming out of the train and seem to have organized among themselves and have a plan. They head for some empty condos by the river to stay the night and plan the next step. Apparently one of them has the key to some of the apartments. I join them, think it is better to be with a group who has plans or at least is organized. But they all speak Swedish. The only other foreign people is Tony from the show "Who's the boss?" who says he is Italian and doesn't understand what everybody is saying. I say I am Portuguese and also don't understand so we all start talking in English.

      Talking to some people about lucid dreams, my dad doesn't see the point and interest. I say it is a second life we all have and it is better when we live it with awareness. I say once I recalled 10 full pages of dream details on one single night. He gets a bit more interested and I say who wouldn't want to consciously fly and experience fantasies? Someone asks if I tried being with a dragon or turning into a dragon and I say yes.

      Updated 01-31-2019 at 08:36 PM by 34880

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    2. Lucidity and The Nightmare escape button.

      by , 07-25-2017 at 05:16 PM
      A lot of what I see people complaining about on this forum is the fact that their lucid dreams don't last longer than 6-8 seconds, or that they find that they instantly wake up after becoming lucid. This is the brain's natural reaction to the dreamer waking up- as lucid dreaming is the product of your conscious mind is waking up.

      As a child, I had no idea what lucid dreaming was, but I found that in moments of extreme discomfort or panic within a dream- such as when I was having a nightmare or such- I was able to wake myself up by turning to face the monster and shouting "I don't want to have this dream anymore!" This was the "Nightmare escape button, if you will.

      The act of realising that you are within a dream is often what causes you to wake up- as the main function of a dream is to keep the brain and body in a hibernated state so that it can heal itself etc. In other words, The sole purpose of a dream is to keep the dreamer from waking up.

      Even when, within the dream, I make some idle comment such as "I'm dreaming, aren't I?" or "Is this a dream?", I will often shake it off. Another time, I realised that

      As an adult, I find that my nightmares rarely revolve around anything as obvious as monsters- so it is, in general, much harder to work out that I am dreaming. However, things that have been known to trigger this realisation are:

      - The inability to read. While I have succeeded in reading towards the beginning and end of dreams- i.e., when I was about to wake up, or I was only just falling asleep- the rest of the time, the part of the brain that processes writing is fast asleep. In many cases, the inability to read has been what caused me to realise that I was dreaming.

      - Strange clock faces Once in a dream, I looked at my clock and was shocked to realise that it was all blurry. i couldn't tell the time at all. This was what lead me to realise I was dreaming.

      - The ability to fly This is a tricky one. While there are plenty of times in which I have happily accepted my new superpower as fact within the dream, there have been a few times in which I looked down at my crossed legs and realised it was an "unnatural" flying position, or looked down at my bent and misshapen legs and realised that I was dreaming. Other times, I have experienced the whooping sensation of falling in the pit of my stomach- a sensation I thoroughly hate- and have found that I ended up closing my eyes and willing myself to slow the fall. It is there, suspended in midair, that I realise I am dreaming. Then, suddenly, lucid dreaming allows me to fly as fast as I like, but without any of the unpleasant side effects that come from speeding.
    3. My YouTube video on my dream

      by , 06-13-2017 at 12:23 AM
      How to Lucid dream and some of my experiences, if you like this video.. comment and I can share much more, thank you 😃

    4. Lucid Dream Number 4 (Random)

      by , 12-03-2016 at 02:19 PM
      OK so this is a dream from last night!!!

      I have noticed that since i have joined this website and have been actively thinking more and more about my dreams, i have already had 2/3 more lucid dreams wherea's before that, the last one i had was well over 2 years ago.
      Now in my last Lucid dream i can recall that i was ok in the knowing of becoming lucid....but as soon as i tried to control my dreram lucidly, i would awaken!?!!

      So last night i found myself waking up Lucid in my dream, and after a little practice i started to be Able to controll not only what i was doing but also my surroundings as well. Now it worked in quite a strange way, you see as i remember i did manage to find a "DreamSign" which was looking at my own reflection. I found that every time i looked at my reflection (In literally any reflective surface) i was able to re-affirm the dream and in doing this it made the dream more stable. If the lucidity started to weaken and the dream started to fade i would have to keep strenghening it by looking at my own reflection again. The reflection i was seeing was me entirely, i looked very normal as in waking life but for some reason this was my way of knowing i was in a dream which at the moment i'm still not entirely sure as of why!! (This is something i will check the next time and see if my "DreamSign" changes at all.)

      I can't really remember to much of the details of the dream as my voice recorder has broken and it is now 13:11 the next day, but i do remember being able to physically change my surroundings around me, and the people around me...for instance if i willed someone into my dream, there they were!!
      I remember towards the beggining of the dream when i was still trying to teach myself how to stabilise it, the dream itself was very grainy but the more i kept on the clearer and clearer it became to the point where i might almost say that it was clearer and sharper than real life itself.

      (I woke up easily 6/7 times during the night and found that by not moving after awakening i was able to go straight back into the same dream, lucidly each and every time.) That was something i remember reading helps in one of the lucid dreaming forums!
    5. My First lucid dream since roughly 2 years ago!!

      by , 11-24-2016 at 03:16 PM
      so Last night the morning of 24th november 2016 i had my first lucid dream in a couple of years.
      Now before that id had a completely differant dream (That wasn't lucid) about being in some kind of what seemed to be a 3rd world country walking through a long up hill market place when i noticed that the people walking past me were wearing shackles and actually being taken away as slaves, there were so many of them that i took it upon myself to start freeing them from the chains (Theses people included white, black, native people, all walks of life) i was having to be sneaky about freeing them, obviously, but eventually id freed enough people so that we could start to over power the powers at be, or atleast the gang leaders who were chaining everyone up!!
      Now at some point a grenade was thrown and it landed at my feet virtually, and exploded causing me to then wake up...But i went straight back to sleep and this is when my lucid dream happened:

      ok..SO I WAS DREAMING, AND IN THIS DREAM I COULD REMEMBER THAT I WAS SINGING THIS SONG, now i can remember at the time "Thinking" wow this is a really great song, i was completely making it up, it doesn't exist other than in my dream, yet i was fluently singing it like i knew it off by heart.
      all of a suddon i woke up..(Or atleast i thouight i had), and i could hear the women in the room next to me (I live in shared accomadation) playing her music very loud, and it was very early so i SCREAAMED out to her at the top of my voice to turn it down at which point i WOKE UP!!!
      It hads actually been a dream within a dream or 2 levels deep if you know your stuff. Now i kept waking back up and literally falling straight back to sleep, and each time it happened i started to figure out that if i could here the song then something wasn't making sense and i must have been dreaming..now i think the fact that i kept waking up and falling back asleep helped me become lucid becous my mind was conscious almost as much as i was in dream state which may have allowed me to recoignise the fact that i was dreaming, thats my theory anyway.
      So the sound of singing became my "Dream Sign". Now the only problem i had was that i was fading in and out of dream state, and once id realised i was dreaming i was ok to hold onto the fact i was conscious for a short time, but anytime i tried to controll the dream or make something happen, it instantly sent me into a spin and i would wake up!! :-(
      So i will see what happens tonight and hopefully it's just a matter of practise and that sooner or later i will be able to not only induce LD but also take complete controll without waking myself in the process.
      i will update soon!
    6. Work Week Early Hoilday

      by , 12-21-2015 at 06:03 PM
      I was at work and noticed all our providers was out or leaving. I went to my boss and asked if it was alright if I went home to. Because it was the week of Christmas and no providers was going to be here I thought it would be ok to leave early. She said yes that was fine because the last provider was leaving early due to sickness. I remember wanting to see her before she left though I do not clearly remember why that was. As I saw her leaving I noticed that she had cut and dyed her hair. I remember being shocked as I told her as she was going out the door that her hair cut reminded me of my grandma who passed away. The moment I said that I saw my grandma's face clearly on this lady's face. I remember seeing my own shocked face then looked back at the provider and as she went through the door I came awake.
    7. My Former Dream Journal (hprib012)

      by , 10-16-2015 at 12:16 AM
      Instead of copying and pasting all of my dream journal entries from my former profile, I figured I would post a link to it (as long as it is still active, if you are an admin reading this, feel free to delete that profile as I no longer have any access to it)
      That profile has many of my former attempts to dream share, as well as lucid dreams I have not documented elsewhere.


    8. Typical Neverending Dream. Felt Like a Day.

      by , 10-11-2014 at 03:37 AM
      *So this was a dream from a 3 hour nap, but of course felt long. As a background i'm a heavy napper, and dream extremely vividly the moment my head hits the pillow. I will start to dream as I doze off as well if i'm tired, or start hearing part of my dreams. I have no control over my dreams, I can never fly, or breathe under water. They are simply as real life is but much more interesting and include odd places and things that don't exist. I have no idea why. I am also extremely honest and social in dreams which is different from real life. My feelings don't get hurt as easily.*

      I met a yellow male fairy, maybe about the size of a cat, I was told by my dad to get to know him. We were sleeping next to each other and my dad got so angry, but the fairy wasn’t human, and it wasn’t weird. I said “I knew he would get mad, he gets mad every time” and me and my dad got in a fight (me and my dad don’t really get along in real life)

      Next flash. is I was ready to die, I was writing on my friends computer real fast saying “you did a good job, …. etc” it was a room with several computers and a desk near on the side from where I was sitting. If you walk the opposite way next to the desk you could leave the room. I decided not to kill myself after all, but I was going to congratulate her on being the last person I write too, but I decided not to. As I was waiting for her to see it she walked back into the room with black pearls around her neck and other such things because she became famous I guess. (this has to do with someone singing better than me in real life in a competition and that was her a few days ago)

      Another flash. We were in this underground room, me and a friend I knew well, it seems like my childhood best friend but then again it didn’t. There were snakes coming out from everywhere. Out of the ceiling, out of the cracks the floors, and I was trying to avoid them. But I saw them such as you would in a movie, from one flash of a snake to the other. eventually I would jump around and swing around as much so I just let one bite me. They didn’t scare me, I just didn’t want to get bit.

      Next flash. I was eating ice cubes from this icecube holder on this counter with this large room with two seperate groups of people, and stairs that go down the middle. from this large section of people. I looked at the ice cubes and they weren’t normal ice cubes, they were pretty like glass and they had a lemon seed in them and something else. I had eaten something that made my mouth burn, and I was trying to make it go away. I was spitting places such as the towel behind the picture frame hung up where the stair move down. I was hoping nobody saw me, but the last time I tried spitting in my dream since I did it more then once to get the taste to go away, I spit in real life and that’s what woke me up.

      Next flash. My friend had my mini scissors that I haven’t been able to find and that I was looking for in real life today, I take them and she gets offended. I wasn’t mad but she said something along the lines of “well that flute was so expensive anyway so” and from that dream I remembered a false memory that was given to me in the dream of me giving her a flute she bought me back, I got a mental picture of it in my dream, and I had made a light hearted clever joke back to her comment about these fancy scissors I have in real life even though she was defensive.

      Another flash. I was down by these booths and shops in the same place, there was this one with a lady that in my dream I remembered from before. I got there right as it was closing and she pulled down the metal to cover her booth right as I was about to look and buy something.

      -I don’t really remember colors of walls or carpets.
      -I don’t remember the people really. They were just details such as there is in real life.

      These are only a few of the parts I remember. They all led into each other. I don’t remember the transitions or the other several places I went and things that happened besides these.
    9. Cafeteria, False Wake Up, High School Teacher

      by , 09-17-2014 at 06:33 PM
      I was at a martial arts class, not the martial arts class that I usually go to, and then I walked outside it was like Pittsburgh, and I saw Han Mi Martial arts (my martial arts school) doing a demo, and I told them I would have come, but they said it was just for advanced students not beginners so they didn't tell me. Then I crawled in through a net and tried to pull my way through, and Han Mi Martial arts said it was bad and I shouldnt and they would tell me later. I ended up in a large cafeteria and I realized I was dreaming. I ate a bar (dream food) and walked around looking for lemonade. I closed my eyes and opened them to test if I was dreaming or awake. Nothing happened and I decided I would probably stay asleep, so I walked around didn't find the lemonade, and then I woke up.

      Earlier in the night, I had a false wake up, and I was in a large bedroom with a window and a door to outside. It wasn't my bedroom and I thought Im dreaming, I might be, but I doubted myself and was too afraid to go outside, and then I slipped into a different dream that I forget now.

      Another dream I had last night was I walked to a high school to apply to be a creative writing teacher. The principal in the office told me that he had a spot for a teachers' aid but then the devil posessed me and I did something crazy and blacked out and then the principal told me what happened and told me to leave. I said but I want to be a creative writing teacher but they told me to leave.
    10. Heaven School

      by , 09-08-2014 at 11:31 PM
      I dreamt a long time ago that I was in the air and i had to choose between heaven and hell, and heaven was scary and I tried to leave, but then someone said no stay wait. So I did and then I met some people. I went to a swimming pool that had lap lanes, and I thought, Im in heaven, but I don't see Jesus anywhere, where is Jesus? And then a guide came and carried me to a different world. I was outside. It turned out it wasnt heaven after all but Jesus carried me to the REAL heaven. I was outside and I walked into a room inside with a huge blue pool and there was a lifeguard sitting on a high chair by the pool.

      In another dream about heaven, I was in a literature class and a painting class, and the woman teaching it was angelic and I loved her and I saw her bedroom and her clothing hung up.

      In another heaven dream, I was auditioning to Julliard and was asking the adminstration desk at Julliard what I needed to do to get in. It turns out it was actually heaven school and the angel at the desk said something along the lines of, "I hope they have compassion on you." And then suddenly i was in a feild of flowers and i was lost and then God carried me back to my bed and I woke up.

      Ive had many dreams where I was visiting heaven. In them I had the lucid sense that I was visiting heaven. It wasnt 100% a lucid dream, but I knew it wasn't ordinary consciousness. I was flying going to classes and talking to angels. The very first heaven dream I had was when I was in a psychiatric hospital I dreamt I was in an angelic swimming water meditation class I was meditating in the water with other people and then I was in a cafeteria and later after I meditated and pondered on this dream I thought it was REAL and NOT A DREAM and I was really visiting heaven in night in body, that God carried my body there and back again. I reflected on it again and realized it was just a dream but it was a prophetic dream, a dream giving me insight and wisdom onto what heaven is like and that what happened in the dream was exactly what happens in the swimming water meditation classes in heaven are. In another dream I was tasting fruit and making fruit smoothies and the food I was dreaming about are foods that only exist in heaven cafeterias. It was another prophetic dream.
    11. Three lengthy and vivid lucid dreams in a row! I felt like an LD god!

      by , 10-28-2012 at 08:03 AM
      It started as a non-lucid dream which included my freaky dream sign, getting in trouble, but in an expanded edition including the fear of responsibility. Because they were dreams in a row, I can't properly recall all the really cool details or how all happened, but I have reconstructed a suffecient part of what happened.

      At first, I find myself being father of a child in this age (15) engaged to another 15 year old skunk which I have got pregnant, without remembering any details. My parents and family were there aswell, and everybody was cool, just accepting this, without any grin at all, but I was starting to get depressed thinking how could I ever do this thing, and even was planning to kill the little fuck, who was just born, just to get rid of the responsibillity and keep on with my life. I was thinking all of those things and was frustrated, shocked that this has happened, because I am not that kind of person, I was slowly getting lucid.

      Suddenly, I decide to perform a reality check, I do the noseplug and bam, I'm lucid. Thank god! It was all a dream! And now it's a lucid dream! So I roam around my house slapping my imaginary DC "wife" till she bleeds yelling "that's right bitch! It's aaaaall a dream! Where's the little bastard I wanna kill it!" And she didn't tell me because she was protecting it. It was my expectation. I didn't want to keep on wasting my dream, so I thought I'd stab her to the heart, but I couldn't do that to an innocent person, even a DC. So I jumped outside the window.

      I tried to fly on fall, but no luck, I just landed slowly on the ground like a chicken. I decided I'd fly, no matter how, I have to. So I raised my right hand like superman and tried to accelerate myself to the front while roaming in the street. It worked while I was in the ground, I was super speedy, so I decided to lift up like an aircraft and that's what I did. I flew effortlessly up on to buildings and jumped from one another for fun! I even kinda climbed a transmission tower and jumped! Then I return to a close-to-ground attitude and flew around the city on places my brain was creating at the moment, and not anything existent. Then I saw a guy with a bicycle on an empty road and I started picking on him because I was flying and he had a bicycle! So funny...

      After all these, I can't remember what really happened, I just remember that I woke up. I was on my bed thinking "wow, really cool DILD! I did some stuff on this one!" and I performed my regular noseplug reality check I do when I wake up. I was in a dream! It was a false awakening! I couldn't believe it! I was thinking "how can I be still sleeping?" It was crazy! Then I exited the house using my favourite route, the window! But I found myself in a totally different street, with many cars passing near me, so I went in front of them and started dancing! Some yelled at me and others slowed down, so I punched every car that passed near me. I broke some glasses with the punches, but they kept going.

      Then I found some cops on the way hanging around with some traffic control cops. I thought I would take the gun from one of them and start shooting, but I didn't. I didn't care that much, but I tried to project a gun through my pocket, but no luck. I was too excited to think about doing stuff! But I had a talk with them DC cops! After that I can't remember anything else than waking up and finding myself on the sofa watching TV. My father was there aswell. For no reason I can remember than just questioning reality, I reality checked with noseplug.

      I was still asleep! I cou
      ldn't believe it! Third dream in a row? Thats crazy! But I thought I wouldn't be able to remember all of the dreams I saw before, so I started dream recalling inside my dream. Meanwhile I was playing around and tried to switch on a light, It didn't work! But a totally different light switched on, so I went to switch that light's switch, hoping that the other light lights up! Nothing, but then I tried to switch it on with magic! Wooohooo! My hands started vomiting smoke and sparkles, like they were a tesla coil or something, and finally, it switched on. Then, I woke up.

      This time it was real, I tried to deild, but no luck. I reality checked many many times, but it's reality. I'm still unsure! These dreams were long, really long, 10-15 mins each and really vivid, I just miss too many details because I was jumping from one dream to another. I'm sure I did a lot of other things I can't remember, but those ring a bell. But I felt like a god! I finally figured out that my hypothesis is confirmed, It is INTERNAL FRUSTRATION that wastes dreams. Nothing else, it doesn't matter if you are excited or furious, just don't do any bad thoughts about the dream, like how it's gonna end, if it's gonna last long. Avoid these and you're half way to perfection!
    12. It's been a while

      by , 06-25-2012 at 03:06 AM
      I had completely forgotten about this site because of school and junk, so now I am starting lucid dreaming back again. I'm just going to list my two lucid dreams that I had while I was away and my first sleep paralysis experience.

      Dream One Lucid

      I was fighting in this war against these alien like creatures. I forget what they look like, but I know they were taller than an average human. I had a sub-machine gun that could fit in just one of my hands. It was all sliver with a flash suppressor on it. I was in the third story of a building that was half way blown up. The wall was completely blown up, so you could have seen us from the ground bellow us. Thankfully, only our teammates were there. With me, there were about four other people. We were all crowded around a door frame, shooting every alien we could see. Suddenly, I ran out of ammo. Next thing I know, I am down with the teammates on the ground, searching for ammo. Out of nowhere, I realize that I'm dreaming. I decided to try to spawn in another weapon, but it doesn't work, so I decide to just steal someone's weapon. I run up to a guy and take his weapon, which happened to be the exact same as mine, and started going up the building again. Next thing I know, I'm teleported to some classroom. I am non-lucid again. I look down at my hands and see that I still have the weapon. I then wake up.

      Dream Two Lucid
      I was in a room made of nothing but iron. I was sitting down in an iron chair thing when I think to myself "This is a dream!". And next thing I know, I'm awake again.

      Sleep paralysis
      I thought I was sleeping, and that I was dreaming laying in my bed. Instead of doing a reality check that I had thought of doing, I decided to just try to make myself fly. I started to feel tingly, and my ears popped. I thought I had seriously made myself fly in a dream. That's when I tried to move my arm. I couldn't move it, and that's when I knew that I was in sleep paralysis. I remembered seeing someone say to try to talk and get out of it, so I tried that and it didn't help. I then remembered that I had been told to try to wiggle my toes, and so I did that and I escaped my sleep paralysis.
    13. The Importance of Keeping A Dream Journal

      by , 05-28-2012 at 01:33 AM
      The Importance of Keeping A Dream Journal

      It is relatively common when the subject of dreams is brought up that someone will say, "I never dream." Of course we know this isn't true. At the other extreme are individuals who claim, "I remember all of my dreams." This is also a delusion. In all instances, we simply don't remember the dreams we forget.

      Keeping a dream journal takes effort. Those who truly believe that they remember all of their dreams have the perfect excuse not to do it. It is easy for them to conclude (and I have personally heard it expressed), "Since I remember my dreams when I wake up, why should I keep a dream journal? It has the same effect, doesn't it?"

      Well, actually no. It does not have the same effect. Once you awaken to the realization that many, more accurately most, of your dreams are forgotten, you will either decide to keep a dream journal, or you will never improve your dream recall. Without adequate dream recall, there is very little chance that you will become a lucid dreamer. If you are unwilling to pay, you can't play. By keeping a dream journal and following a few fundamental rules, you will be granted access to a vast inner world with very few rules at all.

      Keeping a dream journal sounds much simpler than it is.. The strong urge to slip back into sleep when a dream is still fresh in your mind is a formidable adversary. Equally insidious is the almost irresistible belief that you can wait until morning to record the details of a vivid dream. Not only will you forget the details of the dream, it is even more likely that you wont even remember that you had it.

      In most cases, we only remember our last dream prior to awakening unless some waking event triggers the memory of an earlier one. Most of us have experienced this phenomenon. You must admit that without the coincidental event that stimulated the memory, you probably would never have recalled the dream. Consequently, the wisest course of action, when you wake up in the middle of the night with good memory of a dream, is to get it recorded while the getting is still good. Believe me, at the time, you will feel certain you will remember it. You won't.

      You can easily prove this to yourself. Some night, when you awaken from a clearly remembered dream, force yourself to jot down the key points along with a few unusual details. Go back to sleep. The following morning, dwell for a little while on all you think you remember about the dream before referring to the notes you scribbled a few hours earlier. I predict that you will be surprised to discover that there were significant elements in the dream that you had forgotten.

      Once you have gained respect for a dream journal's effectiveness in improving dream recall, you will be prepared to recognize a secondary benefit which is especially important for lucid dreamers. A dream journal will reveal personal "dreamsigns," a subject which is best covered in Stephen LaBerge's books. Briefly stated, these are objects, places or events which tend to occur repeatedly in your dreams. For me these include car trouble, violence, airline crashes, tornadoes, unusual attics or cellars, and provocative girls. Following Stephen LaBerge's advice, every time I experience any of these in "waking life," I immediately do a "reality check" to prove that I am indeed awake and not dreaming. By adhering to this simple discipline, you will certainly one day do a reality check when confronted by one of your dreamsigns - and lo and behold - you will discover that you are dreaming! If unfamiliar with reality testing techniques, see Stephen LaBerge's books or visit the Lucidity Institute website at Lucidity.com. (I am not affiliated or compensated.)

      Keeping a dream journal has other benefits. From a philosophical perspective, wherever you choose to put your attention, there you are. Expressed as a maxim, if you pay attention to your dreams, your dreams will pay attention to you. Just the decision to remember and document your dreams will increase your dream recall and, it follows, your likelihood of having a lucid dream.

      A good dream journal takes time, and for most of us, time is a precious commodity. If you are just starting and working to increase your overall dream recall, try to record each and every dream you remember. Even the ones that appear to be nonsense are initially useful. Once you have established a reliable routine and have identified your primary dreamsigns, you can back off a bit. Being experienced at lucid dreaming, I admit that I don't record every remembered dream. I quickly assess and rate my dreams. It is easy for me to distinguish between dreams that I consider significant from those that are confused, chaotic, or an apparent expression of my apparent hoard of fears and anxieties. I record and seriously reflect upon the former. I only briefly reflect upon the latter.

      If you sleep with anyone you care about keeping, you will very likely need to negotiate alternative arrangements on the nights you target for dreaming. This is one sacrifice that keeping a good dream journal typically requires. I also recommend spending a minor amount of money on a voice recorder (or use that feature on your smartphone). Writing out a long dream can sometimes make it difficult to get back to sleep, and you won't have to worry about trying to translate what usually looks like hieroglyphics the following morning. I reach for my recorder, conveniently placed. I begin drowsily talking. The next day (or whenever) I play it back. Listening to it brings the whole dream back into memory as though I just woke up. I then type it with acceptable grammar and spelling, and it gives me the opportunity to add retrospect impressions and comments.

      That's it. I hope this is helpful. Start a dream journal tonight. It speaks for itself in results. /Stephen Berlin
    14. My Lucid Dreams, SP experiences and OBEs. Part two

      by , 04-13-2012 at 01:27 AM
      So these are my lucid dreams. I have had others but that was before I knew the term and they were all quick realization then going on dreaming. I'm not sire if these are in order but here goes.

      In one dream I was washing my face in the bathroom when I here a VERY familiar voice say my name and start laughing. I turn and see nothing. Then I here His "claws" on the mirror and I turn and looking back at me in the mirror is non other than the nightmare man himself, Freddy Krueger. (I'm a huge fan but this scares the hell out of me) Things start flying and I try and run but the door slams. Pipes come out of the ground and fly at me trying to wrap around me. I yell 'THIS IS MY DREAM!!! YOU CAN'T HURT ME!!!" As soon I say it, something just clicks. I grab a bottle and preform a reality check ( the one were you read and reread a line and see if it changes, It does) I realize that I really am dream and Freddy Isn't really. I go Lucid and open the bathroom window. Laughing I fly out. I close my eyes and says "I want a beautiful scenery." I open my eyes and I'm flying over a epic mountain and forest with water falls. I go down and enjoy how real every thing looks. then I woke up.

      Another dream which was much longer but i was basically trying to save these kids from a witch. I was jumping from these odd building to the next being chased by the witch when I just kind of realized I was dreaming. After I figure out that I'm dreaming I hope down from the building I was standing on and take a good look around. I stare at my hand awhile. Again it all seemed so real. I then decided that I wanted to do something I had promised myself I would try if I went Lucid again (Can't believe I remembered.) I Closed my eyes and said, "When I turn around there will be a door. That door will led to my subconsciousness where I will meet my inner self." I opened my eyes and turned around and there indeed was a door. It was square and floating in the air. I walked in a circle around it before walking up to it and turning the handle. The door opened. It was just a empty frame. Disappointed I took a step back. Everything got fuzzy and not want to wake up I tried spinning it worked for a sec but everything started to get fuzzy again so i laid down and everything got clear again. I lay there just chilling. I then woke up.

      A third Lucid Dream started when my dream teacher told my to memorize something in a text book. I tried to do this by reading and rereading it only to find the text to change. That's when I realized I was dreaming. The only thing I did then was stare at everything and then at my hand, happy that I was dream and I knew it. Then aliens attacked the school and I forgot i was dreaming and off to fight them.

      I had a dream were I was being held by a giant and the giant was standing in the ocean saying that he was going to throw me which would kill me. Trying to be brave I say that he can't do that and he says why not. I turn away from him and am like "think fast" I look down at my watch and thing "Please let me be dreaming" I then preform a dream test (looking a my watch) Not only does it not tell time but its not even the right color. I turn, now lucid and yell "BECAUSE I'M DREAMING" I then jump out of his hand and yell "YYYYAAAAHOOOOOOO!!!!!" and hit the ground making a huge cater. I get up and start running along the beach at super speed. I get over excited and wake up.

      Another dream was a clock tower being built at my house. I understand I'm dreaming strait off and end up flying around. Then I see wolves and go down to see why they are there again forgetting that I'm dreaming.

      I know Iv'e had other but it's hard to remember all the lucid dreams you've had at once. I know they are all they same as these. Short or I wake up. Hope to improve my Lucid Dreaming.
    15. My Lucid Dreams, SP experiences and OBEs. Part one

      by , 04-09-2012 at 07:19 AM
      This Is a account of the Lucid Dreams, Sleep Paralysis experiences and Out of Body Experiences I can remember. I decided to type them up so I won't forget the ones I can remember.

      I will begin with My OBE since My first OBE ( One of two) I had at a very young age and it was way before I knew the meaning of LD OBE and SP.

      I was seven or eight I believe and my family was on the way home from getting food from Walmart. We had a van much like the one we have today. It's the kind with two seats up front, two in the middle ans three in the back. I was sitting in one off the middle seats. This happened in the middle of summer and I live in Texas so It's really hot. I had fallen asleep and had a pretty insane experience. I felt myself lift out of my body and looked down to see myself sleeping in the car. I floated up and out of the car but outside there was nothing just a solid empty void. Looking down I could still see the van. The roof of which was clear like I could see through it. I could still see myself sleeping. I could also see my brother and sister and grandparents. My grandma was driving. There was music playing and they where talking but it all sounded far away and i couldn't understand what was being said. I floated back down into the car and hovered right above myself, unsure of what to do. Now inside the van I could see outside and watched as we pulled up to our house. I watched as everyone got out and took all the groceries in, making more than one trip. Finally I watched as my grandpa closed the trunk and everyone went inside. Then it got really quiet. I was still in the van. I hovered above myself. I tried to call out for my grandpa but I had no voice. It was strange though. It was like I could feel myself talking but there was no sound. I started to feel really hot. I feel trapped and unable to breath. I looked down at myself and tried to will myself to wake up. I started to panic and things got even stranger. I felt myself splitting apart and rising up through myself once again until I staring down at many of me hovering above the asleep me. (The best way i can explain this is if you face two mirrors inward at each other and look through it, the image repeats forever) By this time I feel almost like I'm on fire and there is no air left in the space. I really begin to freak. The it was almost like I just snapped. I yelled as loud as I could "WAKE UP!!!!!!" This time words formed and I could hear the sound. It was like a delayed reaction of sound and as the wave pushed down toward the sleeping me all other mes came together all going down to the true me then SLAM!! We all came together and I woke up so suddenly that I jerked the seat belt and sling shotted backward.

      I looked around the car which really was empty and everyone really had gone inside. In fact the car was park exactly where I had watched it be parked in my OBE. Then I realized that I was still burning up and i still couldn't breath. I frantically ripped away my seat belt and practically threw myself out the door. Took me a second but i caught my breathe and went inside where it was cool. I think I got really lucky that day that I didn't have a heat stroke. (DON'T LEAVE KIDS IN CARS!!)

      OK Before I tell you my second OBE I want to share the first time I had SP.
      I was at my aunt and uncles house so I was sharing a room with my sister. This freaked me out for a long time but really I'm glad because it was because of this I researched SP and that led me to find out about Lucid Dreaming (Which I had been doing very mildly since i was young but never knew it was a term)
      I guess it started as most people experiencing SP do, by realizing you can't move. I woke up in the middle of the night and my body felt soooo heavy and thought I wasn't breathing like there was two much weight on my chest. I tried to move but found that was impossible so I did want anyone would do if they wake up in the dark and can't move..I FLIPPED SHIT!. I struggled and tried to yell to my sister but my voice wouldn't come and that's when I saw him. I shadow like figure in the corner of the room. I became complete terrified, if I wasn't already paralyzed I would have been frozen with fear. I began to notice for the first time the noises and vibrations. I looked at my sister peacefully asleep and in my mind I was like "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!" I start to look back to the corner and come to a wall of darkness and it take a second for my eyes to understand what I'm looking at. The shadow guy had gone from the corner across the room to standing a inch in front of my bed. The wall of darkness is really his chest. The way I'm laying give me a odd perspective. If I strain my eyes I can look up far enough to see him leaning over me. He leans farther and farther in getting closer to my face. I get this not so odd idea that he is going to do something along the lines of bite my face off.
      Then in a instance it's all over and I jump out of bed. Needless to say it was hard to go back to sleep after that.

      My second OBE has to deal with my second SP as-well. This was after I had learned you could use SP to do a WILD.
      I woke up and felt the familiar vibrations and heard the frighting sounds and when i found myself unable to move i knew exactly what was going on. That didn't keep the panic from rising. Then I looked across my room and there was that same freaken shadow man standing in front of my closet. My first thought was "OH YELL NO!!" I slammed my eyes shut and tried to send myself into a Lucid Dream but it didn't quite work out like that. I started to feel myself slipping away only this time I wasn't floating up I was sinking down. I watched as I sank below myself and my bed and slowly into a dark void. I slowly hit a ground of some kind. It felt cold and had gleam to it. I looked up and could see my room as if the ground of it had been replaced with glass. I could see through my bed and at me laying in it. I glanced around at the empty void and got a horrible sinking feeling that if I didn't go back now I wound never be able to return. I willed myself upward and back into my body with great ease and I woke up.
      I went over to my computer and looked out a trailer on Youtube for Deathly Hollows part one (This all happened right before that movie came out and i really wanted to see it) That's when my room began to change and It became the scene I had been watching and I was now standing on top of Hogwarts thinking "What just happened". I watched wizards fly past and it was so amazing. Then I understood I was Dreaming and previously it had been a false awakening. I was so happy but then the world began to spend and I woke up for real this time.

      End of part one. I'll post my lucid dreams next time but I'm super tired now so, Happy Dreaming!
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